Age: 27
Height: 5’8”
Hair: dirty blonde
Eyes: hazel
Education: B.S. in English Literature
Occupation: Stay-at-home-mom & Professional blogger
A few of my favorite things:
good books, eating sweets, watching movies, sewing, decorating, cooking & baking, blogging, playing at the park, spending time with family, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, laughing, cuddling, shopping, clothes, long baths, traveling, being in water(but not swimming), chocolate, design, raspberries, lemon pie, learning, music, building furniture, organizing & lists, history, beaches, dates, basketball, photography, playing games, fabric, hiking, holidays, riding bikes, sunshine
My grandma used to say, “No one likes to be around a sad person” and she was right! I’m a naturally happy person that loves to smile and laugh. I feel my greatest talent is taking a bad situation and finding the good things to keep a positive attitude. Many nights I go to sleep with aching cheeks from laughing so much.
I love to be creative and see all the creativity around me. I’m amazed by the talents out there. I even started a successful blog to showcase all that creativity. I love photography and capturing a moment to look back at and remember later. I learned to sew at a very young age from my mom and it’s still something I love to do. My grandma was a legendary cook and I picked up a few skills from her. Cooking and baking are things I love to do (but I’m not a fan of doing dishes J ).
I love to be active and have been an athlete my whole life. I learned how to dribble a basketball when I was three years old and played all the way through High School. I love being outdoors and hiking in the mountains with my friends and family. I love to take bike rides and walks and look at all the pretty old houses around our neighborhood.
I also have a deep love of learning. I love to know about everything from little random facts to major historical events. I got my degree in English Literature and picked up speed reading along the way. This has become a really useful skill since I can’t put a book down once I pick it up. I often read through the night without ever taking a break.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a very important part of my life. I love the knowledge it gives me of who I am and what I’m here to do. I love the Plan of Salvation and knowledge that I can be with my family forever. I love the opportunity to serve that it gives and the direction it gives my life.
I love that I’m able to be home with my little girl and any other children we might be blessed with. And I love my hardworking husband that makes it possible for me to have that opportunity.
Brad about Missy:
I thought she was cute so I dated her, so sue me. But what made me really attracted to her was how happy she was all the time. Her mother had passed away just a few weeks before I met her and I was amazed at how happy she was and how strong her testimony was in the gospel. After our first kiss I could not stop smiling the whole night.
I love her even more now because of her dedication and love for me and our family. She is so active in home projects and family trips and I love it when she has all of her dreams planned out. I am a sucker to things that she asks to buy that I know we don’t need but she is so darn cute. She makes the house so nice and peaceful that I can’t wait to get home after work. She and Abi make me feel like a rock star that just entered the stage.